Goodknight Fast card

Goodknight Fast card
  • Views: 16461
  • Product Code: FCGKFC
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹15

With rising instances of dengue and malaria across India, Godrej's Good Knight Fast Card is an ultra-smart and highly relevant solution. It is India's first paper based mosquito repellant which is accessible and affordable by all, available at a price of Rs. 1/-. Fast Card starts working within a mere 3 minutes and lasts all of 4 hours! All you need to do is fold it, light it up and place it where you want instant action. Then stand back and watch, as the mosquitoes go fattack se furr!

  • Costs only Rs. 1
  • At just Rs.1, Good knight Fast Card is an innovative mosquito repellant that everybody can afford.
  • 3 min instant action
  • Good knight Fast Card burns completely in 3 minutes and gives instant relief from mosquitoes.

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Tags: Goodknight Fast card, Goodknight, fast card, Fast cards, Fastcards, fastcard, Mosquito killers, mosquito repellents, repellents,