MTR - Gobi Manchurian(300gms)

-17 % MTR - Gobi Manchurian(300gms)
  • Views: 14813
  • Product Code: FCMG
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹59
  • ₹49

MTR Gobi Manchurian

Everyone's favourite Gobi Manchurian. A delicious snack, ready in an instant.

The only Manchurian mix that also comes with the gravy. Crunchy Gobi Manchurian with tangy gravy, the perfect fusion snack can now be made at home.

This pack contains Batter Mix + Gravy

MTR Gobi / Cauliflower Manchurian :
Direction to use MTR Gobi Manchurian :

  • Cut 200g Cauliflower into small florets and keep aside.
  • Add 100ml water to the given Manchurian batter mix, mix well into thick batter.
  • Add Cauliflower florets, mix well and leave for 2 minutes.
  • Deep fry on medium flame for 5-6 minutes till golden brown and keep aside.
  • Pour the entire content of Manchurian Gravy packet into a pan, add the fried Cauliflower florets and suce on medium flame for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Garnish with finely cut coriander leaves and serve hot.

Ingredients of MTR Gobi Manchurian :
Manchurian Batter Mix:
Corn flour, Maida, Bengal Gram Flour, Salt, Red Chilli Powder

Manchurian Gravy:
Water, Tomato Sauce, Onion, Garlic, Ginger, edible Vegetable Oil, Green Chilli, Soya Bean Sauce, Salt, Coriander Leaves, Chilli Sauce

This mix can also be used with Paneer, Mushroom or Par boiled Baby Corn serve with tomato sauce.

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Tags: MTR, mtr gobi manuchurian, tasty and heathly masala, indian masala, gobi masala mix, gobi mix