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Azad vermicelli Roasted (semiya)-500gm
-11 % 2 - 3 Days

Azad vermicelli Roasted (semiya)-500gm

Azad vermicelli Roasted (semiya) pure and superfine Quality..

₹90 ₹80

Bambino Gulab Jamun Mix (Buy 1 Get 1)

Bambino Gulab Jamun Mix is a delicious taste dessert. It is a very popular dessert in India. This Gulab Jamun mix is known due to its distinct taste and yummy flavour. Ø  You can place your order to buy Bambino Gulab Jamun Mix from the luxury..


Krishna skimmed milk powder-1kg

product Description:Skim Milk Powder is obtained by removing water from pasteurized skim milk. It contains 5% or less moisture (by weight) and 1.5% or less milk fat (by weight) and a minimum milk protein content of. Skim Milk Powd..

₹600 ₹450

Krishna skimmed milk powder-25kg

product Description:Skim Milk Powder is obtained by removing water from pasteurized skim milk. It contains 5% or less moisture (by weight) and 1.5% or less milk fat (by weight) and a minimum milk protein content of. Skim Milk Powd..

₹15,000 ₹10,500

Mathaji Papad(200gms)
-3 % Out Of Stock

Mathaji Papad(200gms)

Mathaji Papad(200gms)now available at freedomcart...

₹65 ₹63

Milkmaid Nestle(400gms)

Pamper your sweet tooth with the sweetened condensed milk from Nestle. Nothing can beat its finger-licking taste and your guests will definitely ask for a second helping of the luscious desserts that you prepare with it. Its soft, smooth texture and ..

₹125 ₹120

MTR - Gobi Manchurian(300gms)

MTR Gobi Manchurian Everyone's favourite Gobi Manchurian. A delicious snack, ready in an instant. The only Manchurian mix that also comes with the gravy. Crunchy Gobi Manchurian with tangy gra..

₹59 ₹49

MTR - Rava Idly(500gms)

A signature dish invented by MTR Foods for a healthy & wholesome breakfast. A delicious, traditional breakfast for you and your family is now ready in an instant! Tasty Tip: ..

₹75 ₹74

Rose Papad(500gms)

Rose Papad(500gms)Now available at Freedomcart ..

₹150 ₹145

Vishal Moog sada Papad(800gms)

Vishal Moog sada Papad(800gms)Now available at Freedomcart...

₹290 ₹280

Vishal Rojana papad(400gms)
-9 % Out Of Stock