Fortune Sunflower Refined Oil - Sun Lite - 5 Lt
Sundrop is one of the most reputed brands in the premium segment of refined oils. Sundrop was launched in 1989 as sunflower oil. Sundrop has grown bigger and had come a long way with first movers advantage in manufacturing Sunflower oil and has become largest refined oil selling brand. Sundrop as a brand, as company says, stands on the following four pillars, which have been built over the years with its very famously positioned punch line, "the healthy oil for healthy people", a high recall value, consistency in quality and supplies. The four pillars are health, taste, lightness and vitality. Sundrop is made out of 100% Sunflower oil and is the market leader in the category of Refined Oils. It is the market leader in the category of Refined Oils. Sundrop Superlite has a wide base of loyal customers. Sundrop Superlite is fortified with sufficient quantity of Vitamins A & D to provide upto 25% of daily requirements of these nutrients. So when you cook with Sundrop Superlite your family eats well & stays active and healthy throughout the day.