Pond's Magic Talc Powder - 200 Gms

Pond's Magic Talc Powder - 200 Gms
  • Views: 15818
  • Product Code: FCPMTP1
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹123

Feel the magic of the fresh fragrance brought you by Ponds Magic Freshness Talc. Use Ponds Magic Freshness Talc and stay fresh for the whole day with its pleasing smell. This Ponds Magic Talc provides sheen and a smooth finish to the skin and enhances the beauty of the wearer. It is also known for its skin friendliness, soothing fragrance and softness. This Talc comes with Distinct & modern dispensing mechanism. A reliable product to take care of your bad odour with its Enhanced & irresistible fragrance. Ponds has been knowing for its quality product since ages. 

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Tags: ponds, magic talc, magic talc powder, ponds powder, ponds magic powder, talcum powder, ponds beauty powder, ponds beauty magic powder, face powder, talc