Tetley Green Tea - 125 Gms

Tetley Green Tea - 125 Gms
  • Views: 14001
  • Product Code: FCTTGT
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹93

Try the Tetley green tea with ginger mint lemon, it has the goodness of premium tea with lemon and a refreshing smell and taste at any time of the day. Have a hot cup of this and detox your system. Studies have proved drinking hot lemon tea over ice tea is very beneficial to ones health as it removes toxins and reduces the risk of cancer, it is also good for the skin and it helps fight acne. Due to the exotic taste of this tea it can become the premier choice of all your meetings, get-together and parties . Tetley green tea with ginger mint lemon is a very refreshing and invigorating drink to consume. Using a little honey in the preparation will add zest and natural flavor to the drink. Tetley green tea with ginger mint lemon has indeed become the talk of all the modern house holds. Tetley green tea with ginger mint lemon is also helpful in loosing weight and is patronized amongst the fitness freaks. It is a suitable drink for people of all ages and all occasions. It is a 100 % vegetarian product made to give the consumers royalty like feel. Tetley green tea with ginger mint lemon is used widely amongst hospitality sectors like Jet airways,Taj hotel,Barista etc..Why not get the same hospitality feel at home? Get Tetley green tea with ginger mint lemon today! 

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Tags: tetley, tetley green, tetley green green, tetley green tea powder, tea - 125 gms, tea powder, tetley green powder, tea powder-125gms, tea-125gms, tetley green tea powder-125gms