Accu-Chek Active 100 Test Strips(2 X 50)

-16 % Accu-Chek Active 100 Test Strips(2 X 50)
  • Views: 10807
  • Product Code: FCAC100
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹1,600
  • ₹1,350


·         For blood tests at the comfort of your home

·         Storage: +2 C to 30 C

·         Quantity: 100

·         Easy to handle

·         Blood sample size: 1-2 micro litre; if sample applied at the center of test pad

·         Strip Stability: 11-18 months

·         Compatibility: Only with AC Active meter

·         Can be dosed outside the monitor

·         Designed for people on the go

·         Perfect choice for type 1




“Accu-Chek Active fulfils the minimum accuracy requirements of the ISO15197:2013 standard by presenting 100% of results in the required range1


·         Sample dosing: Blood application on to the middle of the test pad. The test strip (and its components) has the function to spread the blood above the test area – in a quick and hygienic way

·         Dosing options: Blood can be applied to both an already inserted test strip, and a tests trip outside the meter. This is helpful to minimize the risk of contamination when a meter has multiple users (e.g. in a hospital) and, in case of AST, to facilitate blood application

·         Re-dosing capability: Additional blood can be added to the test strip within 10 seconds after applying the first drop (applies for inside mode)

·         Visual color check: Plausibility check option with 5 color block on the test strip vial

·         Hematocrit range: 20 – 55 % (within-meter mode) 20 – 70 % (outside-meter mode)

·         The test strips remain stable at least up to the expiry date printed on the test strip vial, even after opening (the test strip container must be closed tightly after each test strip is removed)


·         Quick visual check for additional safety: (= stability check)The round control window on the back of the test strip must not differ from the reference colour "0" on the colour scale on the test strip container. If the round control window has turned a different colour, the test strip is unusable and should be discarded.

·         Quick visual reading back-up for additional safety: It is possible to verify the result by comparing the colour of the round control window on the back of the test strip with the colour scale on the label of the test strip container-especially in case of implausible meter readings.

·         Visual under dosing: Detection for safe test results. Since the test pad changes colour once the blood has been applied, the user can recognize if too little sample has been applied. The centre of the test pad must be uniformly covered. The control window on the back of the test strip must be completely discoloured.

·         Optimal test strip architecture for hygienic handling: The size and the architecture of the test strip allow test strip handling without coming into contact with the blood specimen-especially when taking the used test strip off the monitor.